Saturday, March 3, 2012

Loose LLamas and a God

Welcome back lovlies.

Good news: Thursday one of our llamas had a beautiful baby boy.  He's black, white, and brown.  We are debating between the names Trooper and Jack.  If you have a suggestion or comment then do so!  If not, then don't.
On Friday we had a llama break out.  Our neighbor has a plot of land that is overgrown and instead of mowing it, our llamas are over there eating it for him cause he's lazy.  ANYways, on Friday morning we noticed that they were no where to be found.  It wasn't until someone drove down our street and yelled out, "Hey are y'all the ones with the llamas? Cause right now they're eating in the ditch."  
This sends us in to a frenzy! Our llamas are eating in the ditch of an incredibly busy street and yet they pay no attention to the cars.  Incredible.  

Then today, my sister Rebecca and I were walking around a busy shopping area downtown.  Ahead of us was a Ryan Gosling look-alike.  And ladies you know that if anyone even remotely good looking as Ryan Gosling is in a 10 mile radius of you, you stop and stare.  He had his golden hair quaffed to perfection, Ray Bans, sweater and jeans.  He screamed "EAT ME"!!! You know what that looks like...  So OBVS we were staring/talking about him.  He looked like he was waiting for someone and so we jokingly started to say he was waiting for us.  Right as we are passing this God of a specimen, Rebecca yells/sings "I'm ready!!" Right at that moment, SHE TRIPS!!!! Right in front of him!  Being the sister I am, I laugh at her.  Then not even two steps later, karma strikes and I trip.  
We both humiliated ourselves in front of this hottie! So embarrassing!!!
But this hottie didn't laugh at us.  He probably thought we were mentally unstable or something cause he looked concerned for our mental state.  And when you look at it from his perspective, I would commit us too.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Welcome to the Funny Farm

Hey Readers!

My name is Caitlin and I am 22 years old.  I have recently moved back home to Texas after 4 years in college in Boston.  Not only have I moved back home, I've moved in with my mom, aunt, AND grandmother.  To add some extra spice to this already hot situation, we live on a farm.  To be clear, it is not a ranch or anything fancy. It is a farm.  We have 20 llamas, 6 chickens,  5 dogs, 2 horses, 1 babydoll sheep, and too many peacocks.  Our farm is like a box of chocolates. You really never know what you're going to get here.  It seems like something random yet hilarious happens everyday.  And I have decided to document our lives in this blog for y'all to read.

To give everyone a sense of the type of crazy that happens here, my first story is my favorite.  It was this past summer that this all went down.  One day we discovered that a mother oppossum and her babies had moved in under our back porch.  For those of you who have been fortunate enough not to see these animals should be consider themselves blessed.  These are by far the ugliest and scariest creatures EVER! Now, I also have a beagle named Beanie.  One night I  was upstairs enjoying my lovely sleep when Beanie starts her infamous beagle howl.  Thinking it would stop, I threw a pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep.  After about 5 minutes, I was fuming with rage.  I mean come on! All I wanted to do was sleep!  I stormed downstairs to let her out thinking she had to go outside or something.   When I let her out, she darted to the other side of the room and howled even louder.  At that time I knew something was not right.  I turned on the light and saw two beady eyes staring at me.  IT WAS AN OPPOSSUM!!!!!  AAAAHHHHH!!! In the house!  Mind you it was a baby, but at that moment I didn't care.
So of coarse being the grown-up I am, I went and got my mommy to take care of it.
She came out in a sleepy haze and looked so unaffected that an oppossum was in our living room.  She got a towel, threw it over the beast, picked it up and put it outside.  She was like Xena the Warrior Princess!  Well, you can imagine, I didn't sleep too well that night.  Whenever I heard a noise I thought it was the oppossum coming to avenge me!  Now whenever Beanie barks, I search the house.